
Client Testimonials

We focus on one thing – obtaining the highest value from the best partner for your practice.


No one tells the story of why LPS is successful in achieving the highest values for our clients than the clients themselves. See actual doctors share their experience in having LPS manage their IDSO transaction – and the unique difference only we can make.

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Pediatric Dentist, 40+, 1 Doc
4 Location, Mid-South 2.0x Collections
Pediatric Dentist
21 locations, 19 doctors.
4 Doctors, Endo Practice
South East – 2.3x Collection
58 Year Old
Orthodontist – 48 Years Old
2x Collections
Pediatric Dentist, 40+, 1 Doc
1 Location, DC Metro 1.9x Collections
GP Dentist
39 Years Old
50 yo, Single Doc, Endo

Single Location, Western US, 1.5x

Two Doctor

Orthodontic Practice

Orthodontist – Single Doctor
1.3x Collections
Ortho, 55+ Single Doc
1 Location, DC Metro, 2x Collections
Two Doctors GP
1.4x Collections
40s, Orthodontist
6.2x Collections
56 Years Old
Oral Surgery Practice
40+ 1 location, Midwest, 2.25x Collections
2 Docs, 2 Office Carolinas
OMS at 2.2x Collections